You can find us here.

Morsbachtalstraße 17
42855 Remscheid

Phone +49.2191.9743.0
Fax +49.2191.9743.44


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Approach from the north via the A1

Coming from the north via the A1:

- B4 to A255/B75

- Follow A1 to Barmer Str./Linde in Nordrhein-Westfalen, on A1 take exit 94-W.-Ronsdorf.

- Follow Barmer Str., Kreuzbergstraße, August-Erbschloe-Straße and L157 to Morsbachtalstraße.

Approach from the south via the A9

Coming from the north via the A1:

- Take A9

- follow A9 and A3 to Lenneper Str./B229 in Remscheid, on A1 take exit 95b-Remscheid

- Follow B229, take Haddenbacher Str. to Morsbachtalstraße

MATADOR is one of the pioneers of the German tool industry. Since 1900 we have been producing quality hand tools "around the screw" at our site in Remscheid, the centre of the German tool industry. Our core competences are spanners, sockets, torque and pneumatic tools as well as modular systems. For screws from 3.2 - 230 mm. Over 4,500 catalogue items. Proven millions of times. Available in >70 countries. For ambitious users in industry, trade and automotive. MATADOR is an accredited initial supplier to leading automotive groups, including Audi, Bosch, Ford, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Volvo and many others.